Digital forum for film culture, film education and networks

With „Shorts+Connect: Digital Forum for Film Culture, Film Education and Networks“, Bewegliche Ziele e.V. and INTERFILM aim to pioneer a forum and platform for cultural film sessions and film education in the digital space, which can act as a supplement to or substitute for physical events.

INTERFORUM – the professional program of INTERFILM Berlin

With its diverse supporting programmes, the festival offers a possibility for exchange between international guests, filmmakers, professional visitors and the audience.

The interforum serves as a platform for interaction, dialogue, confrontations and discussions, and also helps present and support talents and established filmmakers to develop their ideas, gain insight in the workings of the short film industry and improve their technical and dramaturgical skills. Aim is to bring especially European talents together so they meet, connect and even collaborate in the future.

Script Pitch: Browse international writers & directors and their powerful projects!

The international Script Pitch is the pitching competition and talent lab during interfilm festival. Since 2013 the program has been inviting writers from around the world with their innovative short film projects to Berlin to work on their stories and pitch their ideas in front of an international jury after an intensive week of workshops and coaching. The Script Pitch wants to give the stage to compelling, courageous ideas, to new as well as to established talents and especially to underrepresented voices in the film industry. 68 talents and exciting projects to date! Have a look!

Kurzfilm im Klassenraum / Short film in the classroom

Film education has really never been so easy and exciting!

Short Film in the Classroom is an online platform for lower and upper secondary schools,
that offers innovative learning modules for film and democracy education throughout the year. Instructive, entertaining and easy to use, the platform presents a diverse package of 18 award-winning international films, accompanying materials, in-depth modules, PowerPoint presentations and interviews with the filmmakers.

Film education is anchored in the framework curriculum as part of media education and the short film in particular is ideally suited for use in the classroom