The 2013|14 Topic of the Year ‘Zukunftsort: EUROPA’ at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, in cooperation with interfilm Berlin, the Deutsche Kinemathek, the Film and Television University ‘Konrad Wolf’ (HFF) Potsdam and filmArche, called on film-makers throughout Europe to participate by submitting films for the Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED Competition.
Three prizes were awarded:
1st Prize 2,500 € / 2nd Prize 1,000 € / 3rd Prize 500 €
Interdisciplinary Forum / Filmcompetition
Venue on 13 Novemberto 14. November 2014 - 5 pm
Free entrance
Location: Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2, 10785 Berlin
The short films submitted should find answers to the question: ‘Is there such a thing as Europe and if so how many?’ All genres are permitted: the short films can reveal points of view on Europe in narrative shorts, animations, documentaries through to experimental film. The films should be no more than three years old and no longer than ca. 15 minutes in length.
The Forum EUROPE: UNLIMITED wants to encourage the discovery of new narratives for Europe and to illuminate original wishes for the future. Europe will be given complex expression in the Forum debates between scholars and film-makers discussing around 20 selected films.
Selected by a team involving all project partners 12 films are part of the competition and will be evaluated by the members of the Jury. These films were presented during the Forum within four different main topics, which guide through the two-days programme.
Each filmsession was introduced by Magdalena Nowicka and followed by a panel discussion chaired by Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck.
Jury (im Bild mit Christoph Markschies, Vizepräsident der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und den Preisgewinnern):
Prof. Dr. Magdalena Nowicka (Vorsitzende der Jury) - Soziologin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Etienne François - Historiker, Freie Universität-Berlin, Akademiemitglied
Cristina Marx - Filmuniversität Babelsberg
Inga Weyel - Filmemacherin und Drehbuchautorin, filmArche e.V.
Luc Perez - Denmark 2012 – 14:30 min – Animation
Music is timeless, so the desire of people to live in freedom and be free to realize their dreams. Time melts into infinity in this film.
The full Program of Film Award EUROPE: UNLIMITED
here at the Project-Website
More films on the topic of Europe (out of competition) - discuss films online!
Günter Stock, President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, welcomed the audience and the speakers.
Panel discussion with Matthias Christen, Stephan Dünnwald and Maja Kekonius
Magdalena Nowicka introduced the four thematic sessions of the forum “EUROPE: UNLIMITED”
Filmmaker Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck moderated the four thematic sessions.
Jury member Etienne François (FU Berlin)
Panel discussion with Irit Dekel (Bard College Berlin) and Jury member Etienne François (FU Berlin)
Matthias Christen (Universität Bayreuth) and Stephan Dünnwald (Universität Göttingen)
Jury member Christina Marx (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf) in honour of Luc Perez, director of the 1st prize.
Christoph Markschies, Vice-President of the BBAW, awarded the 2nd prize to Stephan Ganoff.
Panel discussion with Gregor Eppinger (director of “ZUGPERLEN) and Stephan Ganoff (director of “Die Kakerlake”)
Esra Küçük (Junge Islamkonferenz)
Anna Henckel-Donnersmarck (moderator) and Sabine Pankofer (Kath. Stiftungsfachhochschule München)
Christoph Markschies, Vice-President of the BBAW, moderated the award ceremony of EUROPE: UNLIMITED.