As the pioneers of Polish animation transformed their private dwellings into studios following the end of World War Two, it represented the beginning of a movement, one which would lead to the world-famous “Polish School of Animation” in the 1970s, which produced such legendary figures as Walerian Borowczyk. In recent years, the torch has been passed to a new generation of animation artists: Marta Pajek, Renata Gasiorowska, Izabela Plucinska, Tomek Ducki, Tomasz Popakul and Marta Magnuska have found their way to new, unique, experimental forms of expression via traditional abstract visual styles and Polish poster art. Their works frequently involve the individual’s complicated entanglement in history and the associated consequences for personal identities caught in a state of constant unrest.
30.11.20, 00:00h,
online: (Nov 30 - Dec 06)