INTERFILM 37 International Short Film Festival Berlin
16 - 21 November 2021

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Jsme si o smrt blíž

Love is Just a Death Away

Bára Anna Stejskalová // Czech Republic // 2020 // 11:06 min


A caterpillar living inside a dog's corpse searches for a soulmate in the ugly world of a garbage dump. The desire for friendship brings it perilously close to death. Only love can help the little creature take flight.

Animation: Bára Anna Stejskalová

Screenplay: Bára Anna Stejskalová

Director of Photography: Václav Tlapák

Producer: Susha, Jakub Košťál

Director: Bára Anna Stejskalová

Sales Agent: Alexandra Hroncová

Editor: Ilona Malá

Sound Design: Miroslav Chaloupka

Sound Mixing: Miroslav Chaloupka

Art Design: Bára Anna Stejskalová

Sound Editing: Miroslav Chaloupka

The film is shown in the following programs

Green Film Competition

ECO 01 Wasteland Adventure

18.11.21, 18:00h, ACUD Kino

19.11.21, 18:30h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino