An amnesiac survivor of the attack at Brussels' Maalbeek metro station on 22 March 2016,
Sabine is looking for the missing image of an over-mediatised event of which she has no memory.
Animation: William Houel, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Maël Delorme, Léon Denise
Screenplay: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Perrine Prost
Director of Photography: Pierre De Wurstemberger, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Producer: Maxence Voiseux, Lionel MASSOL, Pauline Seigland
Director: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
Sales Agent: Wouter Jansen
Editor: Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Maël Delorme
Sound Design: Lucas Masson, Martin Delzescaux
International Competition
19.11.21, 16:00h, Babylon 1
20.11.21, 22:00h, Babylon 1