INTERFILM 37 International Short Film Festival Berlin
16 - 21 November 2021

The Hangman at Home

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The Hangman at Home

Michelle and Uri Kranot // Denmark, France, Canada // 2021 // 14:04 min


Inspired by a 1922 poem from Carl Sandburg, this animated film treats themes of recognition and the sometimes-unpleasant intimacy of being human.

Producer: ONF - NFB, Pierre Baussaron, Floreal Films, Lana tankosa Nikolic, Emmanuel-Alain Reynal

Director: Michelle and Uri Kranot

Sales Agent: Remy Chanfreau

The film is shown in the following programs

International Competition

Tracing Home Turf

17.11.21, 20:00h, Babylon 1

20.11.21, 20:30h, ACUD Kino