INTERFILM 37 International Short Film Festival Berlin
16 - 21 November 2021


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Nüll García // Spain // 2020 // 14:00 min

Live Action

A renowned male photographer explores the vulnerability of women for an exhibition series. His female model however, finds emancipation.

Director of Photography: Nestor Ruiz Medina

Producer: David Torres Vázquez, Fernando J. Monge

Director: Nüll García

Editor: Nestor Ruiz Medina, Nüll García

The film is shown in the following programs

European Short Film Audience Award

ESA 02 European Short Film Audience Award

18.11.21, 20:00h, Rollberg Kino

21.11.21, 16:00h, Babylon 1

Special Programs

SP 09 Girls* Riot!

18.11.21, 18:00h, Pfefferberg Theater

20.11.21, 18:00h, ACUD Kino