INTERFILM 37 International Short Film Festival Berlin
16 - 21 November 2021

Kids for Guns

Kids for Guns

Simon Ostermann // Germany // 2018 // 01:21 min

Live Action

Children are constantly exposed to danger. Wouldn’t it just be easier to give them guns, too?

Producer: Cristina Marx

Director: Simon Ostermann

Sales Agent: Cristina Marx, Sarah Dombrink

The film is shown in the following programs

DIS 03 interfilm Distribution presents: Kurz(Vor)Film

17.11.21, 22:30h, Babylon 3

19.11.21, 20:30h, Babylon 3

20.11.21, 18:30h, Babylon 3

21.11.21, 22:30h, Babylon 3