INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022
Viewing & Curation 2022
We are expecting 3000 film submissions again this year. They will be screened and evaluated in teams and then selected by curators for the different sections in a lively exchange. Here are the heroines of the screening and curation 2022:
Viewing team
Ali Kareem studied theater, but he prefers to make films. He is a screenwriter and director. In addition
he works as a screener for various film festivals. In 2022 he has become part of the interfilm team as a screener.
Bjoern Behnkehas been part of the Vorsichtung team since 2017. Monthly ShortsAttack events get him through the year until he then dives into the festival program in the fall with a season ticket and a week off. In normal life, he is a self-employed publisher of tourist maps for northern German islands, which he designs and distributes. The variety of short films cleanses his mind and helps him sort out the world.
Ilana Glizercame to interfilm through an internship. Since then she somehow can't get away from the films. Views and co-curates Queer Fever. She is in charge of the festival website at achtung berlin and at the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival she is involved in the program and guest management. She is currently learning the business of livestreaming in a video production.
María Cristina Hervása passionate cineaste, studied film and theater studies and switched to the Film Academy to study directing. As early as 2001, she was a member of the international jury at INTERFILM. Several times she was a member of the Script Pitch Jury and since 2018 she is screening short films for the festival program. She lives as a freelance writer in Berlin.
Matti Swiecstarted at Kuki in 2018 and moved to interfilm the next year, where he has been co-responsible for venues, shipping and sponsorship over the years, and since last year also sound & vision. The actor and speaker is also involved in the supporting program of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin and speaks for the Grandparents for Future podcast "Oma, Opa erzählt mal!".
Teresa Venahas been screening for interfilm since 2022. She studied history, art history and Spanish philology in Geneva. She is a curator for visual arts and for film as well as a freelance film critic. In 2018, she founded the festival "Film:Switzerland" and the film series "Prachtige Films!". She is also involved in the Christmas Film Festival and co-edits the online magazine
Thomas Zandegiacomo Del Belhas been screening for interfilm since 2012. He studied German and Romance languages and literature as well as media and communication studies. After his time at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, he went to the Deutsche Kinemathek in 2009. Since 2006 he has been the artistic director of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival.
Curation team
Alemberg Angco-curates the Focus on Phillipines. School teacher turned film producer, Alemberg ANG’s filmmaking is shaped by his passion for socio-civic issues. Working mostly with rising filmmakers, his films seek to give cultural minorities a voice in world cinema advocating for women and LGBTQ+ empowerment, mental health and social justice. He was invited to the UNESCO’s Meeting of Independent Producers, Berlinale Talents, Locarno Open Doors, Rotterdam Lab, La Fabrique Cinema and EAVE Producers Workshop.
Alexander Stein co-curates eject - the long night of deviant film, Reality Bites & Virtual Reality meets Fulldome. He studied film, theater, ethnology and journalism in Berlin. After his studies he learned film animation at Kaskeline Filmproduktion and realized his own animated films as well as stage designs and projections for the Schaubühne Berlin, Schauspielhaus Hamburg and for the world exhibition spectacle "Flambee" in Hannover 2000. He joined interfilm in 1998 and took over the role of producer.
Andrea Schwemmerstudied theater, film studies and acting in Berlin and New York and has appeared on stage, TV and film. She co-curates the IC, plays in the swing band The Toolbox Orchestra, works as a presenter and programs at the Max Ophüls Preis and the Arab Film Festival San Francisco.
Axel Esteinlives in Berlin and Manila and studied Japanese Studies, History, Philosophy and Asian Studies. He is a founding member and co-editor of Splatting Image. He does consulting, curating and organizing festivals like Asian Hot Shots Berlin Festival, Tampere Film Festival and many other events since 1989, like exground filmfest and Landshuter Kurzfilmfest. At interfilm he co-curates the Focus on Philippines.
Cord Dueppestudied film studies and has been part of the interfilm team since 2016, where he does the international distribution of our short films and also co-curates the International Competition.
Heinz Hermannsfounded interfilm more than 40 years ago and has promoted interfilm internationally through various on-site contacts with filmmakers and institutions. He cross-searches the festival, curates with colleagues the Focus On Philippines, the Spotlight Belarus, the Environmental Film Competition and is a curator and jury member at festivals worldwide.
Kristine Kintanaco-curates the Focus on Phillipines. She is a production manager from Manila, at least when she is not acting, designing costumes, subtitling or doing anything in fact, for the films of Lav Diaz and Khavn for the most part. She is a college lecturer teaching Filipino Cinema, Production Management, and Producing courses for Film Majors and occasionally she also programs for festivals like Cinemanila and QCinemaand.
Leon Baumgartlhas been with interfilm since 2013. Starting with an internship at KUKI, he was able to gain insights into almost all departments of the festival over the years. Since 2016 he co-curates and co-produces "eject". He also makes music and likes to play at an interfilm party.
Ludmila Pogodinahas been with interfilm since 2009 in many shapes – as a journalist, a DJ at the festival events, a presenter of the “Watch That Man! David Bowie Music Video Retrospective 1969-2013” program in 2014, and now came back as a curator of the Special Program – Spotlight: Belarus. She studied journalism, and is a writer, photographer, DJ, art manager and co-founder of the art collective/community #KeepMinskWeird.
Marcel Dannerstudied what with film & cultural education and is committed to queer visibility. Since 2019 he is part of the KUKI team with great enthusiasm and also co-curates Queer Fever since 2021: "A good short film shines like a firework rocket in different colors & sparks"!
Marion Richterist Berlinerin. Sie studierte in Manchester (UK) Fernseh- und Radioproduktion und entdeckte dort ihre Liebe zum Kurzfilm. Seit knapp 15 Jahren arbeitet sie für interfilm und KUKI in wechselnden Rollen. Nach vielen Jahren im KUKI Kurationsteam und in der Gästebetreuung co-kuratiert sie Body Talk und sichtet Filme für KUKI. Sie hat eine große Schwäche für alles Schwedische und für Außenseiter im Film.
Matthias Grollhas been an interfilmer for over 20 years. He studied sociology and journalism, co-curates the International and Green Film Competition as well as Body Talk. 1998 he published the book "Das Digital" and in summer published "When Shiva rages, the world shakes - Hinduism as an adventure in everyday life in India" -
Nastassja Kreftstudied cultural and media studies and works at re:publica Berlin. She discovered her passion for films and festivals at Sehsüchte and is now a board member there. Since 2019 she supports the interfilm team and co-curates the International Competition in 2022.
Moritz Lehrco-curates documentaries, mockumentaries, music videos and everything in between. He has made short films and music videos, but actually comes more from music and is active as a Dj. He studied art, music and media, where he first came into contact with short films: love at first sight.
Patrick Thüligstudied something with history and philosophy. Has been a member of the interfilm team since 2013, is a festival producer, distribution manager and co-curator of the German Competition and "Genre Now". He is also a board member of the association "Brot & Spiele e.V.", organizer of the 11mm - Football Film Festival Berlin and fights for a better position of short films worldwide.
Rebecca Heilerstudied translation/interpreting and Slavic studies and has been involved with interfilm since 2018. She screens, co-curates the German Competition and leads the Script Pitch. Otherwise, she works for the goEast Film Festival, among others.
Sarah Dombrinkjoined interfilm in 2011 and was in charge of the festival center. After that, she worked as an assistant to the festival director, coordinated the program, curated here and there, and took a trip to Ningbo, China, to organize a festival there for interfilm, and then acquired distribution, sales, and funding. In between, she graduated in Media Studies at the Film University Babelsberg and co-curates the German Competition.