INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022

Holy Holocaust

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Holy Holocaust

Osi Wald / Noa Berman-Herzberg // Israel // 2021 // 17:22 min


In the scope of a drawing class, an unusual friendship begins between Jennifer, German and Black, and Noa, an Israeli. For 22 years, they believe they can ignore historical and political realities, until reality finally catches up with them.

Animation: Ella Ben-Yacov, Osi Wald, Yair Harel, Liron Narunsky

Actor: Linda Majors, Noa Berman-Herzberg, Gabriella Boerschmann

Producer: Osi Wald

Director: Osi Wald, Noa Berman-Herzberg

Sales Agent: Hedva Goldschmidt, interfilm Berlin Sales & Distribution

Editor: Osi Wald

Script: Noa Berman-Herzberg

Sound Design: Ori Kadishay

Sound Mixing: Ori Kadishay

Voice Over: Noa Berman-Herzberg

Art Design: Osi Wald

Special Effects: Ricardo Werdesheim

Sound Editing: Ori Kadishay

The film is shown in the following programs


When you realize that you are not alone

16.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater

19.11.22, 18:00h, ACUD Kino

20.11.22, 20:00h, Colosseum 2