An individual creature in a world that otherwise consists exclusively of couples fused into a single entity, Ren sets off on a journey to find his other half. But what does it mean to be whole?
Animation: Lina Kalcheva
Actor: Matthew Biddulph, John Chisham, Dylan Edwards, Evanna Lynch
Producer: Michelle Brøndum
Director: Lina Kalcheva
Sales Agent: Michelle Brøndum
Editor: Alejandro Liechty
Script: Laura Jayne Tunbridge
Sound Design: Zoltán Kadnár
Sound Mixing: Zoltán Kadnár
Art Design: Eva Calland-Waller
Sound Editing: Zoltán Kadnár
Director of Photography: Ebba Hult
16.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater
19.11.22, 18:00h, ACUD Kino
20.11.22, 20:00h, Colosseum 2