Every season, a young mole visits his blind grandfather, who lives deep underground in a comfortably decorated burrow. As the two grow older, their relationship becomes more intense and important questions arise.
Animation: Alexander Gratzer, Natalia Andrade, Gábor Mariai, Sebatian Doringer
Producer: József FÜLÖP
Director: Alexander Gratzer
Sales Agent: interfilm Berlin Sales & Distribution
Editor: Alexander Gratzer
Script: Alexander Gratzer
Sound Design: Csabas Kalotás
Sound Mixing: Csabas Kalotás
Voice Over: Alexander Gratzer
Art Design: Alexander Gratzer
Sound Editing: Csabas Kalotás
Text: Alexander Gratzer
18.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater
19.11.22, 17:30h, Colosseum 2
20.11.22, 22:00h, Pfefferberg Theater