INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022

Petit cogneur

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Petit cogneur

Little smasher

Gilles Cuvelier // France // 2022 // 13:56 min


Poetic testimony of a family crossing time and space to the rhythm of the uncontrollable crises of the youngest child.

Animation: Gilles Cuvelier

Producer: Richard Van Den Boom

Director: Gilles Cuvelier

Sales Agent: Richard Van Den Boom

Editor: Gilles Cuvelier

Script: Gilles Cuvelier

Sound Design: Yan Volsy

Sound Mixing: Matthieu Langlet

Art Design: Gilles Cuvelier

Special Effects: Gilles Cuvelier

Sound Editing: Yan Volsy

Director of Photography: Gilles Cuvelier

The film is shown in the following programs


Against all that you can’t control

18.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater

19.11.22, 17:30h, Colosseum 2

20.11.22, 22:00h, Pfefferberg Theater