INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022

The Diamond

The Diamond

Vedran Rupic // Sweden // 2021 // 13:46 min

Live Action

Stefan is lonely, and possessed by a blinding ambition to make friends. One day he stumbles upon a diamond in the woods. Unable to reach it, the solution presents itself in the form of an even smaller man.

Actor: Erik Sjöström, Rodrigo Pozo Vizcarra

Producer: Siamand Masoodian, Christian Kuosmanen

Director: Vedran Rupic

Sales Agent: Festival Formula Ltd

Editor: Nils Moström

Script: Gustav Jennefors, Gustav Sundström, Vedran Rupic

Sound Design: Redpipe

Art Design: Amanda Aagard

Special Effects: Ulf Lunden

Director of Photography: Lionel Cabrera

The film is shown in the following programs


IC 06 Is this the way to go?

17.11.22, 20:30h, ACUD Kino

19.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater

20.11.22, 18:00h, Rollberg Kino