INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022

O Lobo Solitario

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O Lobo Solitario

Filipe Melo // Portugal // 2021 // 22:00 min

Live Action

As so many nights before, Vítor Lobo, the "lone wolf", starts his late-night radio talk-show right on time, and proceeds to take calls from his listeners. Only, there's a special call in store for him this night.

Director: Filipe Melo

The film is shown in the following programs


ESA 02 European Short Film Audience Award 02

15.11.22, 20:00h, online: 15. - 20. Nov - SOONER.DE

17.11.22, 20:30h, Rollberg Kino

20.11.22, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater