INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022

Pá kis panelom

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Pá kis panelom

Bye Little Block

Éva Darabos // Hungary // 2020 // 09:00 min


A woman learns that she has to move from the residential block she lives in. After receiving the news, she is overwhelmed with emotion. Her teardrop grows into a concrete monolith. When the drop hits the ground, a surreal panorama of the residential block unfolds.

Director: Éva Darabos

Voice Over: Péter Kálmán

The film is shown in the following programs


The Hungarian Female Eye

17.11.22, 18:00h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

20.11.22, 18:00h, Pfefferberg Haus 13