INTERFILM 38 International Short Film Festival Berlin
15 - 20 November 2022


SCRIPT Script Pitch

The Script Pitch is back on the big stage! Eight authors from Denmark, Germany, France, Israel, Kenya, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Romania present their scripts to an international audience of experts and have five minutes to convince an international jury of their material. This year, the participants will present feature film projects in which isolated characters make random contacts, find solutions to their problems and reflect on their situation. The authors are being prepared by the tutors Martina Bleis, Andrea Schwemmer, Sandra Stöckmann and Marijana Verhoef.

For planning reasons, please register via and mention the name of the event you would like to attend. However, it is also possible to attend the event spontaneously.

This event is free of charge.

19.11.22, 11:00h, Pfefferberg Haus 13

Script Pitch