INTERFILM 39 International Short Film Festival Berlin
14 - 19 November 2023

Tomato Kitchen

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Tomato Kitchen

Junyi Xiao // China // 2022 // 08:42 min


An animated horror-veggie thriller! An accident introduces Lee to the concept of "tomato trafficking", forcing him to confront his own role. Sounds weird? It is! But tragic and super cool too. Really something special!

Producer: Junyi Xiao

Director: Junyi Xiao

Sales Agent: Junyi Xiao

Script: Junyi Xiao

Art Design: Junyi Xiao

The film is shown in the following programs


IC 03 Up a Creek Without a Paddle

16.11.23, 17:30h, Cinestar Kino in der KulturBrauerei

17.11.23, 19:30h, Pfefferberg Theater

18.11.23, 15:30h, Rollberg Kino