INTERFILM 39 International Short Film Festival Berlin
14 - 19 November 2023

Speech for a Melting Statue

Speech for a Melting Statue

Collectif Faire-part // Belgium, Congo // 2022 // 10:00 min

Documentary, Experimental

Demolition of a monument. The poet Marie Paule Mugeni has prepared a speech, for the day on which a statue of the colonial ruler Leopold II is to be removed in Brussels.

Producer: Rob Jacobs

Director: Collectif Faire-part

Sales Agent: Rob Jacobs

Editor: Anne Reijniers, Rob Jacobs

Sound Mixing: Aiko Devriendt

Voice Over: Marie Paule Mugeni

Text: Marie Paule Mugeni, Rob Jacobs

The film is shown in the following programs


DOC 02 Challenging Narratives

15.11.23, 20:30h, Pfefferberg Haus 13

18.11.23, 18:00h, ACUD Kino

19.11.23, 14:30h, Pfefferberg Theater