Somewhere out on the open sea, a flamingo alights on an aircraft carrier – blocking the landing strip and grounding the waiting fighter jets. A soldier shoos it away, but it'll be back – next time with reinforcements.
Animation: Manuarii MOREL, Sandra LEYDIER, Romain SEISSON
Producer: Julien Deparis (Ecole des Nouvelles Images)
Director: Julie GROUX, Romain SEISSON, Taye CIMON, Sandra LEYDIER, Pierre COËZ, Manuarii MOREL
Sales Agent: Luce Grosjean (Miyu Distribution)
Editor: Romain SEISSON, Manuarii MOREL
Script: Sandra LEYDIER, Manuarii MOREL, Romain SEISSON
Art Design: Taye CIMON, Pierre COËZ, Julie GROUX
Special Effects: Pierre COËZ, Julie GROUX, Sandra LEYDIER, Taye CIMON
Sound Editing: Manuarii MOREL, Sandra LEYDIER, Romain SEISSON
Director of Photography: Taye CIMON, Pierre COËZ, Julie GROUX
ECO Green Film Competition
16.11.23, 18:00h, ACUD Kino
17.11.23, 22:00h, Pfefferberg Theater