INTERFILM 39 International Short Film Festival Berlin
14 - 19 November 2023

93/13 - 20 Jahre nach Solingen

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93/13 - 20 Jahre nach Solingen

93/13 - 20 years after Solingen

Mirza Odabaşı // Germany // 2013 // 33:24 min


A journey through time between 1993 and 2013, from the attack in Solingen to the NSU's self-disclosure. With a personal analysis by the director in conversation with people he met on his journey, such as Michel Friedman (author, philosopher), Fatih Çevikkollu (cabaret artist), Cem Özdemir (politician), Mevlüde Genç (survivor of Solingen), Afrob (rapper) and many others. [CW: racism, racist murders]

Director: Mirza Odabaşı

The film is shown in the following programs

FOCUS ON : The *other* German Cinema

FO 03 We Remember To Resist

17.11.23, 20:30h, SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA

19.11.23, 18:00h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino