INTERFILM 39 International Short Film Festival Berlin
14 - 19 November 2023

Think Something Nice

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Think Something Nice

Claudius Gentinetta // Switzerland // 2022 // 06:00 min

Animation, Experimental

Strapped to the dentist's chair, a patient dreams himself into a fantastic story of the sea and of fishing. Will he be able to escape the pain this way?

Animation: Claudius Gentinetta, Cécile Brun

Producer: Claudius Gentinetta (gentinettafilm GmbH)

Director: Claudius Gentinetta

Sales Agent: Inga Diev (Ouat Media), Claudius Gentinetta (gentinettafilm GmbH)

Sound Design: Peter Bräker

Voice Over: Frances McStea, Gabriel Böhmer

Special Effects: Simon Eltz

The film is shown in the following programs