INTERFILM 39 International Short Film Festival Berlin
14 - 19 November 2023

German Competition

The German Competition brings together the national short film scene in three programs and presents what the film scene in Germany is currently dealing with: Questions of power, of rigid societal systems and the possibility of breaking out of them, of personal development, of resistance and self-discovery beyond the norm. All presented through images that are as political as they are poetic.


German Competition

1st & 2nd Prize 1st Prize
1.000,- € cash
25p cine support

2nd Prize
Equipment rental worth 2.500,- €
25p cine support
Audience Award 1000,- € cash
FBW-Sonderpreis zur Förderung des besonderen Kurzfilms / Kinderkurzfilms FBW Special Award for the Promotion of Special Short Film / Children's Short Film
FBW - Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung