The German Competition brings together the national short film scene in three programs and presents what the film scene in Germany is currently dealing with: Questions of power, of rigid societal systems and the possibility of breaking out of them, of personal development, of resistance and self-discovery beyond the norm. All presented through images that are as political as they are poetic.
15.11.23, 17:30h,
Cinestar Kino in der KulturBrauerei
17.11.23, 18:30h,
Unterfilm Clubkino
18.11.23, 22:00h,
Pfefferberg Theater
16.11.23, 19:30h,
Pfefferberg Theater
17.11.23, 20:30h,
Rollberg Kino
18.11.23, 20:00h,
Cinestar Kino in der KulturBrauerei
15.11.23, 20:00h,
Cinestar Kino in der KulturBrauerei
17.11.23, 20:30h,
Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino
18.11.23, 14:30h,
Pfefferberg Theater