INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024


Laudatio Script Pitch Special Mention:

The script transports us into a wonder- filled framework, discovering the magic of information through the eyes of a child. We are invited to reflect on the evolving role of technology, raising profound questions about the future of information and the deeper human connections we crave for in a digital age. For its compelling exploration of these themes, we are pleased to award a Special Mention to Another World by George Varsimashvili.

Laudatio Best Script Pitch:

Captivating us with its haunting portrayal of grief and guilt and a narrative that invites us into a world where loss and fear consume space and memory, the jury is pleased to award a script that is driven by the filmmaker’s courage in confronting the unspoken depths of (maternal*) despair. For its bold vision and evocative storytelling, we are honored to award the Best Script Pitch sponsored by CineSud, endowed with 2,000 euros and a participation in the CineSud ShortLab to Ling’s Request by Paprika Chan.


Audience Awards

Eject Audience Award

Eject Audience Award for the Weirdest & Most Wonderful Film sponsored by Frey Steuerberatung worth 1.000 € is Spätsommer 91 by Olaf Held, Germany.


ECO – Best Environmental Film

A madár gyermekei / Children of the Bird Julia Tudisco, Ungarn worth 2.000,- €
sponsored by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V.


Audience Award in the German Competition

Rose by Annika Mayer, Germany worth 1.000 €, sponsored by


Documentary Competition

Program Statement:

During this festival the US elections brought an unprecedented danger to democracy to an already unstable and angry planet.  People’s frustrations with the status Quo are leading them to believe narcissistic tyrants instead of embracing love and community. Cultural institutions and empathy are in danger. What we all do as filmmakers, as art workers and in our communities is important. We want to give everyone here a little energetic hug and thank all the filmmakers for their hard and important work. All the documentaries featured politically important stories. Whatever happens, don’t let your cameras stop rolling.


First special Mention Documentary Competition:

The film is an authentic collage of private messages and intimate images. With the charm brought by passionate first-time filmmakers who are also the protagonists, we witness a story, capturing their love with clarity and immediacy. We journey through their deep connection, experiencing moments of vulnerability usually hidden from others, as they courageously face challenges while holding love at the center. For this unique, radically open approach, we give special mention to You Can't Always Get What You Want, But You Can Get Me by Samira Elagoz and Z Walsh


Second special Mention Documentary Competition:

In a time when some bodies are allowed to move around, be free, be safe, some are not. This film beautifully portrays four Palestinian women dreaming of seeing the stars, of running, swimming, moving their bodies. Just because the politics are not overt does not mean the film is not political. The film shows a dynamic view of a society much different than harsh media images portray. The special mention in the category of Documentary competition goes to High Roads from Giuliana Racco. 


Documentary Competition Winner :

The film opens a space where the body's movement becomes a tool for liberation, telling a powerful story of identity, community, and self-determination. In Quibdó, Colombia, a group of Black queer youth emerges, finding not only a safe space but also the empowerment to shape their own future. Through striking imagery and compelling music, we witness how dance evolves into a living language of resistance. Every step is a political statement, a moment of healing, and a prayer for the departed. The film portrays marginalized identities not as victims, but as active, self-determined individuals forging their own path. Without offering simple answers, it captures the unbroken strength of the protagonists and allows us to experience the transformative power of art and community up close. A work that deeply moves us and lingers long after. The winner of the Best Documentary in the Documentary Competition sponsored by sponsored by SOONER worth 1.000 € cash goes to Unless We Dance from Fernanda Pineda and Hanz Rippe Gabriel.


 Jury statements - German Competition

SPECIAL MENTIONS 1 German Competition:

Before we award the three main prizes, we would like to acknowledge two films that particularly stood out for us, deserving of a special mention. 

Masterfully crafted with a loving eye for detail, this film finds the fine line of a mother-son relationship between privacy and closeness, as they individually explore new facets of their sexuality. A playful yet moving take on homo- and ecosexuality, a joyful watch with a compelling dramaturgy and an important new voice in animation films - we would like to give a special mention to Daniel Sterling-Altmans CARROTICA. 

Meisterhaft und mit viel Liebe zum Detail findet der Film den schmalen Grat einer Mutter-Sohn-Beziehung zwischen Privatheit und Nähe, während die beiden individuell neue Facetten ihrer Sexualität erkunden. Ein spielerischer und bewegender Blick auf Homo- und Ökosexualität, ein Sehvergnügen mit einer fesselnden Dramaturgie und eine wichtige neue Stimme im Animationsfilm. Daniel Sterling-Altmans CARROTICA verdient eine Lobende Erwähnung.

SPECIAL MENTIONS 2 German Competition:
The second special mention goes to a film that accomplishes to subtly guide our gaze towards carefully crafted images that allow an artful visual poetry amongst the industrial setting of a port. The various protagonists and the film itself invite us to de-accelerate time, opening a space to witness their gentle and intimate encounters, that offer a glimpse into their underlying yearnings and hopes. Congratulations to SENTIMENTAL STORIES by Xandra Popescu. 

Die zweite besondere Erwähnung geht an einen Film, dem es gelingt, unseren Blick subtil auf sorgfältig gestaltete Bilder zu lenken, die eine kunstvolle visuelle Poesie inmitten der industriellen Kulisse eines Hafens schaffen. Die verschiedenen Protagonisten, sowie der Film selbst laden ein, die Zeit zu entschleunigen und einen Raum zu öffnen, in dem wir Zeuge ihrer sanften und intimen Begegnungen werden können, die einen Einblick in ihre unterschwelligen Sehnsüchte und Hoffnungen gewähren. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu SENTIMENTAL STORIES von XandraPopescu.


1st Prize German Competition:

Best German Film 1st Prize sponsored by sponsored by Young Talent Foundation Berlin worth 2.000 € cash goes to a visually appealing and emotionally resonant film that captures the essence of hope, resilience and loss. Through beautifully crafted animation and poignant storytelling, it takes viewers on a heartfelt journey that explores the delicate balance between despair and optimism. This film is a testament to professional artistry and a moving reminder of the enduring human spirit. Congratulations to IT SHOULDN’T RAIN TOMORROW by Maria Trigo Teixeira.

Der 1. Preis gestifet von Young Talent Foundation Berlin im Wert von  2.000 € cash  geht an einen visuell ansprechenden und emotional berührenden Film, der das Wesen von Hoffnung, Widerstandskraft und Verlust einfängt. Durch kunstvoll gestaltete Animationen und eine bewegende Erzählweise nimmt er die Zuschauer mit auf eine herzzerreißende Reise, die zwischen Verzweiflung und Optimismus oszilliert. Dieser Film zeugt von professioneller Kunstfertigkeit und ist eine bewegende Erinnerung an den unvergänglichen menschlichen Geist. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an MORGEN SOLL ES NICHT REGNEN von Maria Trigo Teixeira.

2nd Prize German Competition:

Best German Film 2nd Prize sponsored by Young Talent Foundation Berlin worth 1.000 € cash goes to a film that beautifully explores spiritual purity and the human quest for perfection. The narrative captivates with its vivid imagery and symbolic depth, creating an intimate and universal tapestry. It is a compelling and thought-provoking work that stands out for its emotional intensity and literary sophistication. Congratulations to IMMACULATA by Kim Lêa Sakkal.

Der 2. Preis gestifet von Young Talent Foundation Berlin im Wert von  1.000 € cash geht an ein Werk, das auf wunderschöne Weise spirituelle Reinheit und das menschliche Streben nach Vollkommenheit erforscht. Die Erzählung besticht durch ihre lebendige Metaphorik und ihre symbolische Tiefe, die ein intimes und universelles Bild zeichnen. Ein fesselndes und zum Nachdenken anregendes Werk, das sich durch seine emotionale Intensität und literarische Raffinesse auszeichnet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch an IMMACULATA von Kim Lêa Sakkal.


ROSE - FBW Prize German Competition: (noch mit FBW verbinden)

In search for her own history, the director skillfully juxtaposes personal footage of a seemingly perfect family with the harrowing stories of her grandmother. By exploring the fate of a woman who stands for an entire generation, this powerful work is a deeply moving testament to domestic violence, that still offers a glimpse of hope. The FBW Prize in the German Competition sponsored by FBW - Deutsche Film und Medienbewertung over  a free submission for a short film goes to ROSE by Annika Mayer. Congratulations.

Auf der Suche nach der eigenen Geschichte stellt die Regisseurin persönliches Archivmaterial einer scheinbar perfekten Familie gekonnt den erschütternden Erzählungen ihrer Großmutter gegenüber. So nähern wir uns dem Schicksal einer Frau, die stellvertretend für eine ganze Generation steht. Ein bedrückendes Zeugnis häuslicher Gewalt, das tief ergreift, aber auch Hoffnung gibt. Der FBW FBW-Sonderpreis zur Förderung des besonderen Kurzfilms für eine kostenlose Bewertung und Einreichung geht an ROSE von Annika Mayer. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

International Competition

Jury Statement International Competition

Before we begin, we would like to express how deeply honored and grateful we are to have been part of the jury for the International Competition section this year. It has been an incredible experience to share our uncertainties, passions, and diverse perspectives with one another, while being privileged to view such a remarkable selection of films.

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the entire Interfilm team, especially to Cord, Andrea, Yugen, Matthias and Ilana,  who were involved in curating this year’s International Competition. The task of making our decisions was not easy. We approached it with great care and did our best to consider various aspects and perspectives that guided our choices. We sincerely hope that we have done justice to this responsibility, and we would like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all the filmmakers. 

Your work, your unique perspectives, and your passion have truly enriched our experience over the past weeks. We wish you all the very best for the future and encourage you to keep going, even though, as we know all too well, the path is not always easy. Thank you so much.


SPECIAL MENTION 1 in the International Competition:

For its simplicity, unique and fitting approach in depicting women's struggles with compulsory hijab in Iran, and for portraying challenges faced by schoolgirls with their uniform that stems from personal experience, the first Special Mention goes to Our Uniform by Yegane Moghaddam.


SPECIAL MENTION 2 in the International Competition:

For crafting a moving film that explores the complexities of human interaction, our relationship with death, and the essence of love, ultimately bringing us back to where it all began, and leaving us reflecting on the unforeseen twists and turns life can take, while still appreciating the beauty within it. Our special mention goes to the remarkable work of Hend Soheil with her Film “A Promise to the Sea”.


BEST SOUND DESIGN in the International Competition: (noch senden an Ableton)

This beautiful film masterfully uses sound and music to convey what words cannot. It creates a growing unease that seeps into the viewer’s subconscious. Tonal distortions and haunting soundscapes reflect the characters’ refusal to face the unsettling reality around them, leaving a lasting impression of the dangers of ignoring hidden threats. Inspired by Pushkin’s A Feast in Time of Plague the Best Sound Award goes to Hymne of the Plague directed by Phillipp Ivanov, Alexander Epikhov and Dimitiry Gorbaty or Ataka51 with a Sounddesign by Stanislav Paushev and Artem Slesarev.

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY in the International Competition: (noch senden an D-Facto Motion)

The next  film’s deliberate rhythm and its long, lingering shots not only draw the viewer into the narrative but also challenge them to take the time to truly observe. It captivated our attention with its distant yet tragically profound portrayal of poverty, love, and despair—never slipping into sentimentality, but instead presenting a raw reflection of human experience. For its static yet inspiring and captivating cinematic language, it’s poetic approach to the tragedy, and a mise-en-scène that is both creatively profound and unsparingly honest the Best Cinematography Award sponsored by D- Facto Motion worth 10.000 EUR Postproduction value goes to Cross My Heart and Hope to Die by Sam Manacsa, with cinematography by Martika Ramirez Escobar.


BEST ANIMATION in the International Competition:

Through a minimalistic approach and a point of view that takes us above to observe the whole picture, the film delivers the story with such directness and urgency. Its selective use of colour raises visibility on the characters, inviting us to confront their desperation and resilience. At the same time, its profound simplicity strikes exactly the right tone, evoking an emotional depth that compels us to confront the ongoing humanitarian crises and tragedies unfolding within the borders of our nation-states.The Best Animation award worth 2.500 € sponsored by AG Animationsfilm ASIFA GERMANY; LUMATIC Animation & VFC und Animation Network Berlin goes to There Are People in The Forest by Szymon Ruczyński.


BEST LIVE ACTION in the International Competition:

This film beautifully captures the tenderness of a fleeting yet profound connection. Through casual dialogue and an ordinary task, the story unfolds with a gentle ease, building a closeness that feels monumental by the end. The film blurs the line between friendship and romance, offering a beautiful and touching portrayal of intimacy among feminine bodies. It presents the two characters with such care, showing them as people drawn to one another’s beauty and presence, if only for a single, unforgettable day. The Best Live Action Award sponsored by Katholische Filmwerk worth 3.000 € goes to Queen Size by Avril Besson.

BEST FILM in the International Competition:

A simmering tension permeates, as frustration and unease build beneath the surface, masterfully conveyed through layered sound design and compelling performances. Using our own biases to keep us on edge, the story draws us in with suspense, while each character is written evoking our intrigue, disgust and empathy all at the same time. In an unsettling twist it lays bare the power imbalance faced by immigrants and skillfully confronts racial bias and highlights the unjust dynamics endured by migrants within these inequitable structures. The Best Film award sponsored by Medienboard Brandenburg worth 6.000 € cash goes to The Masterpiece by Alex Lora.