INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024

Where Motion Has Not Yet Ceased

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Where Motion Has Not Yet Ceased

Juliette Balthazard // Quebec // 2023 // 16:20 min


Two women flee the war in Ukraine with their daughters. From their new home in Prague, they enter into a new phase of waiting and hoping for a timely return to their former lives.

Producer: Marie-Pier Bourdeau (La maison qui monte)

Director: Juliette Balthazard

Sales Agent: Elise Notseck (Shortcuts Distribution)

Editor: Carol Nguyen

Script: Juliette Balthazard, Nataliia Sukhodolska, Olha Uspenska

Sound Mixing: Christophe Voyer

Sound Editing: Marie-Pier Bourdeau

Director of Photography: Xavier Doutre

The film is shown in the following programs


DOC 03 Finding Homes

07.11.24, 17:30h, Cinestar Kino in der KulturBrauerei

09.11.24, 20:30h, SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA

10.11.24, 20:30h, ACUDkino