INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024

Know Your Stones

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Know Your Stones

Katarina Jazbec // Netherlands, Germany // 2023 // 21:19 min

Documentary, Experimental

Young activists, steel workers, a geologist and climate change. Reflections on coal extraction, embedded in a setting saturated with memories, dreams, nightmares and hopes.

Producer: Katarina Jazbec

Director: Katarina Jazbec

Sales Agent: Flavio Armone (Lights On)

The film is shown in the following programs


ECO 1 Quakes & Quarrels

06.11.24, 20:30h, ACUDkino

07.11.24, 20:30h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

10.11.24, 22:00h, Pfefferberg Theater