INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024


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Véronique Paquette // Canada // 2024 // 05:19 min

Animation, Experimental

A woman surrenders herself to the tango, which takes her on a transformative journey of self-discovery. In stylized animation, the dance becomes a source of power and a symbol of her fulfilment.

Animation: Véronique Paquette

Producer: Christine Noël (Office National du Film du Canada), Marc Bertrand

Director: Véronique Paquette

Sales Agent: Elise Labbé (Office National du Film du Canada)

Script: Véronique Paquette

Sound Design: Stéphanie Hamelin Tomala

Voice Over: Miranda Nisenson

The film is shown in the following programs


BODY 01 Body Talk

06.11.24, 18:30h, Unterfilm Clubkino

08.11.24, 18:00h, Pfefferberg Haus 13

10.11.24, 18:00h, SİNEMA TRANSTOPIA