INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024

Τα περιστέρια αρρωσταίνουν, όταν η πόλη φλέγεται

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Τα περιστέρια αρρωσταίνουν, όταν η πόλη φλέγεται

Pigeons are Dying, when the City is on Fire

Stavros Markoulakis // Greece, Netherlands // 2023 // 21:00 min

Live Action

On the warmest day of the year, two boys meet in a white-hot city. A pigeon gets trapped with them in the searing heat, while everyone dreams of escaping the blazing Moloch.

Actor: Aggelos Diamantis, Thanos Koniaris

Producer: Nikos Smpiliris (nami films), Iraklis Mavroidis (nami films), Stavros Markoulakis

Director: Stavros Markoulakis

Sales Agent: Stavros Markoulakis (nami films)

Editor: Smaro Papaevangelou

Script: Stavros Markoulakis

Sound Design: Persefoni Miliou

Art Design: Chrys Amaya Michailidis

Director of Photography: Konstantinos Koukoulios

The film is shown in the following programs


QUEER Queer Fever

07.11.24, 18:00h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

09.11.24, 14:30h, Pfefferberg Theater

09.11.24, 20:30h, ACUDkino