INTERFILM 40 International Short Film Festival Berlin
5 - 10 November 2024


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Anton Cla // Belgium // 2023 // 12:25 min

Animation, Experimental

A dystopian mix of live film, computer world and animation reveals a city teetering on the edge. Odd encounters, quick scenes and a dark vision of the future… or is it the present?

Animation: Anton Cla

Producer: Anton Cla

Director: Anton Cla

Sales Agent: Anton Cla

Editor: Anton Cla

Script: Anton Cla

Sound Design: Milan Van Doren

Sound Mixing: Raf Enckels, Milan Van Doren

Art Design: Anton Cla

Sound Editing: Milan Van Doren, Anton Cla

Director of Photography: Anton Cla

The film is shown in the following programs