34th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2018
All films

A legjobb játék

A legjobb játék

Best Game Ever

Kristóf Deák // Hungary // 2018 // 19:43 min

Live Action

If machines are going to replace people in their jobs, then they have to resort to creative means in order to prevent it from happening.

Actor: Tamás Rétfalvi

Director of Photography: Róbert Maly

Producer: Gábor Osváth

Director: Kristóf Deák

Sales Agent: Gabor Osvath

The film is shown in the following programs


SP 09 Big Data

22.11.18, 18:00h, Babylon 3

24.11.18, 19:30h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

25.11.18, 21:00h, Volksbühne 3. Stock