A transgender woman is booed off the stage by the audience of a nightclub while she performs, but she doesn’t want to back down so she confronts her family in a village in China.
Actor: Xiang Gu, Celia Yinmeng Yu, Peng Tian, Lierong Li
Screenplay: Xiaoxi Xu, Roberto F. Canuto
Director of Photography: Yong Guo
Score: Andrea Centazzo
Producer: Zhiwen Leng
Director: Roberto F. Canuto, Xiaoxi Xu
Sales Agent: Jorge Rivero
Editor: Xiaoxi Xu, Roberto F. Canuto
Sound Design: Roberto F. Canuto
Art Design: Zhiwen Leng
Sound Editing: Roberto F. Canuto
21.11.18, 20:00h, Il Kino
23.11.18, 23:00h, Volksbühne 3. Stock
24.11.18, 22:00h, Rollberg Kino