34th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2018
All films

3 Centimetres

3 Centimetres

Lara Zeidan // Lebanon // 2018 // 09:00 min

Live Action

Four young friends at an old amusement park in Beirut get on the Ferris wheel. During a claustrophobic ride they talk until the Ferris wheel stops and a confession is made.

Actor: Mira Choukeir, Joyce Abou Jaoude, Melissa Dano, Bissan Ahmad

Screenplay: Lara Zeidan

Director of Photography: Piero Cioffi

Producer: John Giordano

Director: Lara Zeidan

Sales Agent: Ginette Harrold

Editor: Emanuele Bonomi

Sound Design: James Hynes

Sound Mixing: James Hynes

Sound Editing: Emanuele Bonomi

The film is shown in the following programs


Arab Shorts

23.11.18, 18:00h, Babylon 3

23.11.18, 20:00h, Rollberg Kino

24.11.18, 19:00h, Volksbühne 3. Stock