34th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2018
interforum 21 - 25 November 2018


PA 01 Creating Animation in a Collective

Collective cooperation instead of a company with a hierarchical organizational structure? Rotating duties instead of a competitive struggle? Alongside the established structures, creative cooperations that walk the line between artistic freedom and commissioned commercial work have gradually gained a foothold in the area of animation in recent years. The animation collective monströös, Talking Animals, and Sticky Frames will discuss the possibilities and challenges of this way of working.


Jan Koester // Talking Animals

Ana Maria Angel // monströös
Anna Levinson // monströös

Florian Maubach // Sticky Frames
Evgenia Gostrer // Sticky Frames

> Volksbühne 3. Stock > Wednesday, 21.11. >17:00 H
Free entry. Due to limited capacity please register via interforum@interfilm.de.

PA 02 Big Data

Edward Snowden’s biggest concern wasn’t whether he would be arrested and convicted, but rather whether his revelations would not make a ripple. Not only is personal data continuing to be mined, the situation has even reached new heights with attempts being made to meddle in elections and manipulate social scores. Governments and society in general are confronted with huge changes in the 21st century, resembling the First and Second Industrial Revolutions in their scope. BIG DATA, a discussion with experts centering on the smart new world, autonomy, and the end of privacy.


Solana Larsen // Editor of  of Mozilla’s Internet Health Report

Ingo Dachwitz // Editor at netzpolitik.org and member of the association for digital society

Brenda Lien // filmmaker, director of "Call of Comfort" 

Igor Simic // filmmaker, director of "Melancholic Drone"

> Volksbühne Roter Salon > Thursday, 22.11. >21:00 H
Free entry. Due to limited capacity please register via interforum@interfilm.de.