34th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2018
Program / Sections

International Competition

IC 08 CONFRONTATIONS - Human Rights Films - Names not Numbers

People are more than just a number in a system. However, current developments in politics and the economy indicate something to the contrary. The films confront the possible loss of individuality by calling for the individual to pool their fates and resist together: an unjust deportation, the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, the memory of the unimaginable catastrophe in Hiroshima, and a look at the life of a family in Romania of Ceaușescu’s dictatorship. And the question that comes up time and again: Which world do we want to live in?

21.11.18, 19:30h, Babylon 1

23.11.18, 22:00h, Rollberg Kino

24.11.18, 17:00h, Babylon 2

CONFRONTATIONS - Human Rights Films - Names not Numbers