35th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2019
5 - 10 November 2019

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Mama Lova

Mama Lova

Mama Lova

Jeff Taver // France // 2019 // 16:30 min

Live Action

In a drug-plagued suburb, Adèle’s son has died of an overdose. Now, she is searching for ways to escape her helplessness, for herself and her fellow humans.

Actor: Mata Gabin

Producer: Lionel Guenoun

Director: Jeff Taver

Sales Agent: Lionel Guenoun

The film is shown in the following programs


IC 08 CONFRONTATIONS - Human Rights Films - Women on Fire

06.11.19, 19:30h, Babylon 1

08.11.19, 20:00h, Kino in der Königstadt

09.11.19, 15:00h, Babylon 2