35th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2019
5 - 10 November 2019

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M.A.M.O.N. Monitor against Mexicans over worldwide

M.A.M.O.N. Monitor against Mexicans over worldwide

Alejandro Damiani // Uruguay, Mexico // 2016 // 05:00 min

Animation, Live Action

A mechanical Trump-like robot breaks through the Mexican border wall and issues a declaration of war on his enemies who fell from the sky.

Animation: Alejandro Damiani

Screenplay: Alejandro Damiani

Producer: Juan José López

Director: Alejandro Damiani

Sales Agent: Franc Planas

Editor: Alejandro Damiani

The film is shown in the following programs

30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution and fall of the Wall

30Y 05 Walls & Borders

07.11.19, 19:30h, Brandenburger Tor

10.11.19, 16:00h, Brandenburger Tor