September 2017. The French president would like to convince the Olympic Committee to pick Paris as the location for the next summer games. Alas, the wish to stay in power, familial setbacks, and corruption among the organizers combine to make talks and resolutions difficult. Following 25 distinct paths, viewers can experience the hesitations of a president first hand and lead him to five different goals from their cinema seats using an app on their cell phones. With each passing minute, decisions must be made that could even trigger a war in the worst-case scenario.
Following this interactive experience, the psychological dimensions of participation and decision making within groups will be explored in a discussion featuring media scholar Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer / University Potsdam and Dr. Stefan Hampl / Sigmund Freud University Vienna.
Actor: Francois Mathouret, Jean-Luc Bideau, Marie Dernaraud
Director: Gilles Porte
08.11.19, 19:30h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino