35th International Short Film Festival Berlin 2019
5 - 10 November 2019


PA 01 Critics & Shorts

Although the short film scene is thriving the world over, the more diminutive cinematic format is barely covered in the media. Here and there summaries are published in the cultural sections of newspapers, while collectives and individual filmmakers who have gained notoriety are featured in online magazines. Still, in general, real engagement with the format is practically non-existent, when one excludes a handful of dedicated blogs. Alas, cinema needs to be discussed if it is to take on a life of its own. So how do festivals deal with this lack of media attention? What effect does the lack of film criticism have on the makers of short films? What sort of perspectives can the situation offer?

With Ricardo Brunn (founder talkingsshorts.com), Teresa Vena (festival programmer & critic), Valentina Zalevska (festival programmer & short film producer) und Marcus Tell (filmmaker & critic). Hosted by Manuel Sierra Alonso.

Free entry / Due to limited capacity please register via interforum@interfilm.de.
All events will we held in English.

06.11.19, 19:00h, Volksbühne 3. Stock

Critics & Shorts