KUKI 11 - International Short Film Festival for Children
and Youth Berlin - Program / Sections

Workshop for teachers

How can teachers use short films in a meaningful way?

This advanced training event for educators and student teachers brings light into the darkness! In the first part of the module participants will attend a screening of films from the current KUKI program that are particularly suitable for use in the classroom. Subsequently, methods for the didactization of short films and their application in school lessons will be presented and explored in a practical workshop. The event will be led by Mara Leibowitz from Cornelsen Verlag and Pauline Dalla Marta. We would like to thank PH Zug for providing tablets and working materials. The training costs 12 euros (reduced rate: 8 euros) and will take place at City Kino Wedding on Friday, November 23 from 9am - 2pm.

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@kuki-berlin.com