is a young filmmaker from Berlin. Since the age of fourteen, she has made short films about pubertal ups and downs, loneliness, friendship and other loving encounters.
Even more so than making her own films - and even longer! - she really enjoys sitting on juries and judging other people's films. Last year she won the KUKI Festival FBW Prize for her film "WHAT WE KNOW".
Find out more about Lotta here!
is a filmmaker from Berlin and always on the lookout for great stories to tell. In addition to his work, he seeks to bring the film scene a little bit closer together with his talk and podcast format Indiefilmtalk, so that you can also get a feel for what's currently going on in the film scene away from the set and production stress.
If you want to know more about Yugen, just have a look here!
has been a film dispatcher, curator, and cinema operator at Lichtburg Filmpalast Oberhausen since 1996 and is active in various juries (including the Berlinale Gilde-, Lucas-, Kikife-, Kinoprogrammpreis Rheinlandpfalz-Jury etc.) as well as selection committees (including the BKM and Kuratorium junger deutscher Film, BKM Kinoprogrammpreis, Kinder- und Jugendwettbewerb der Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen etc.). She is committed to an active children's and youth cinema as a guest speaker (including C.IC.A.E. - Art Cinema, Academy for Children's Media etc.) and as an honorary board member of the AG Kino Gilde Deutscher Filmtheater.