KUKI 12 - International Short Film Festival for Children
and Youth Berlin - 3.-10. November 2019

KUKI Special Programs for Children

KUKI 06 Environmental Program for Children aged 8+

Here we encounter ironic comments and informed answers to a range of crucial questions such as plastic in the sea or survival on planet Earth and even in space! While a plant sprout stretches towards the light, we also accompany people who live in harmony with their environment in various parts of the world and what climate change means for them.

Nature and environment, climate change, bees, nomads, ice melting, weather extremes, animals

Biology, German, Art, Ethics, Geography, interdisciplinary: Intercultural Education, Education for the Acceptance of Diversity.

05.11.19, 10:00h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

08.11.19, 11:30h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 1

Umweltprogramm für Kinder ab 8 Jahren
Umweltprogramm für Kinder ab 8 Jahren

Program sponsor

Kindly presented in cooperation with: Berliner Wasserbetriebe

7 films