KUKI 12 - International Short Film Festival for Children
and Youth Berlin - 3.-10. November 2019

KUKI Competition Programs for Children

KUKI 01 Competition Program for Children aged 4+

It's not about who gets there first, it's about everyone getting there! Whether at the lake or at dinner, while waiting for autumn or spring: with their individual characteristics, everyone helps each other and even the laziest ones end up with their well-deserved ice cream!

Adventure, dreams and goals, inventions, sleep, vacation, friendship, family, community and solidarity

08.11.19, 09:30h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 1

10.11.19, 11:00h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 1

Wettbewerbsprogramm für Kinder ab 4 Jahren