KUKI 13 - International Short Film Festival for Children
and Youth Berlin - 8 - 20 November 2020

KUKI Events

Media Education Workshop for Teachers

Short films are ideal for school use! To show you how easy it is, we are thrilled to offer an online version of our media pedagogical workshop for teachers in the run-up to the festival. Especially in this digital KUKI year, this is a brilliantly practical offer to take advantage of.
In cooperation with Cornelsen Verlag, we will show films from our current festival program that are particularly suitable for use in the classroom. Subsequently, educational methods for exploring short films and their application in school lessons will be presented. The event will be led by Mara Leibowitz from Cornelsen Verlag.

30.10.20, 08:40h,

EV 03 | Medienbildungsworkshop für Lehrkräfte