Here's a catchy earworm worth remembering! A music video and declaration of protest that speaks for all the young voices who don't want to grow up on a wrecked and contaminated planet.
Animation: Henrike Rothe
Screenplay: Martin Wagenpfeil
Director of Photography: Henrike Rothe
Score: Eric Wermke
Producer: Martin Wagenpfeil
Director: Henrike Rothe
Sales Agent: Martin Wagenpfeil
Editor: Henrike Rothe
Sound Design: Eric Wermke
Sound Mixing: Eric Wermke
Art Design: Henrike Rothe
Special Effects: Henrike Rothe
Sound Editing: Eric Wermke
Text: Martin Wagenpfeil
KUKI Programs for Children
14.11.21, 00:00h, Schulscreening (14. - 28.11.) - Online Buchbar