Wilnor is an actor. Because of his skin colour, he is regularly confronted with racist and stereotypical role offers. He remembers back to his childhood when he viewed himself as orange, not black.
Animation: Alexandre Desane
Actor: Alexandre Desane, Anaïs Volpé
Screenplay: Alexandre Desane, Anaïs Volpé
Director of Photography: Barnaby Coote
Score: Elie Mittelmann, David Gubitsch
Producer: Alexandre Desane, Anaïs Volpé
Director: Alexandre Desane
Sales Agent: Alexandre Desane
Editor: Alexandre Desane
Sound Mixing: Giorgio Jost
Voice Over: Alexandre Desane
Sound Editing: Giorgio Jost
TeenScreen Programs for Youth
14.11.21, 00:00h, Schulscreening (14. - 28.11.) - Online Buchbar
21.11.21, 16:00h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 1