KUKI .14 Young Short Film Festival Berlin
14. - 28. November 2021

KUKI Programs for Children



We are brave, loud and can do much more than many give us credit for! Mean aliens, worried parents and narrow-minded teachers don't have a chance against us! We dance in the moonlight and marvel at enchanting music, uncover secrets and find ways to make the world our own.

Themes: Self-confidence, friendship, music, dance, secrets, animals, independence, prejudice, disability, fun, adventure, art.

Subjects: Ethics, Art, Life Skills, Sports, General Studies

14.11.21, 00:00h, Schulscreening (14. - 28.11.) - Online Buchbar

20.11.21, 13:30h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 1

KUKI ab 8
KUKI ab 8

Pädagogisches Begleitmaterial KUKI ab 8

Das Begleitmaterial dient der Vor- und Nachbereitung der Filme in der Schule. Hier klicken zum Download.

7 films