Girls* Riot Workshop (15-19-year old Girls*): 19-23 August 2024
(The Girls* Riot workshop is for anyone who identifies as a girl)
Curating for the Girls* Riot program - and much more.
What do teenage girls want to see on the big screen? What topics are important to them and how do they want to be represented in film? These are the questions that the Girls* Riot workshop addresses for one week each year during the summer vacations. It offers participants a safe space in which they can freely express their thoughts and feelings without being judged.
On each workshop day, this year's participants received insightful and thought-provoking presentations and conversations led and facilitated by author/thinker/craft artist Rosa Lynch and screenwriter/filmmaker Sandulela Asanda.
In addition, they viewed 23 recent and international short films that differed in content and form, engaged in deep discussions, and held personal exchanges that were as healing as they were evocative.
The curators, aged between 15 and 18, have selected 5 short films from France, RĂ©union, the Netherlands, Iran and Switzerland for this year's Girls* Riot program. A subtle and highly cinematic collection of films ranging from live-action autobiographical films to animation and documentaries. Topics include endometriosis, knockout drops and sexual violence, mother-daughter relationships and letting go, as well as the surveillance, control and oppression of our sisters in Iran and a film student's tenacious struggle against the male gaze.
Many thanks to Mara, Molly, Eloise, Karla, Leia, Anouk, Ebba, Ada, Lisa & Annika - for all we got to explore together!
Come and see how the young curators will present the Girls* Riot program during the festival in November - and be part of the discourse: On November 16th from 6pm at Pfefferberg Haus 13!
Do you define yourself as a girl and want to join Girls* Riot next year? Write us at and we'll get in touch with you when the workshop goes into the next round!
Here are a few excerpts from the feedback forms of last year's participants:
-Watching all the films and discussing them together, the mentors and our morning talks.
- I liked that you were allowed to talk so freely about your problems. Especially the round we always did in the morning. Everyone was super nice and open and I learned so much about myself and our society during this week.
- EVERYTHING!!! Especially: Food & snacks, everyone's openness and having a place where you feel at home and can discuss everything :)
- The food, the people, the conversations. We always felt comfortable sharing things and were listened to.
- How important it is to always listen to different opinions
- Aside from learning so many new and amazing things, this whole experience was like a self-awareness boost for me.
- I gained a better understanding of how others live their lives and how many injustices there are in this world (especially through the many films we watched)
- I will never be able to watch a film again without considering the Male-Gaze
- One is always stronger in a group
- More confident and secure in my skin
- More confidence in expressing my opinion
- Thank you so much for doing the workshop! I have never been able to speak my mind so freely and honestly as here, the workshop is really special!
- Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3
- I am so glad I participated!!!
- I hope you know how grateful I am for this workshop and your work. This week has inspired me so much and given me so much. Even though I struggled a bit. Girls* Riot has given me back some power and anger and hope.
- Nothing really, except that the workshop should be longer!
Also many thanks to Rosa Lynch for her workshop assistence and wonderful report: Girls* Riot: The Radical Act of Asking Teenage Girls What They Want
Thanks to our photographer Dshamilja Liess!