KUKI .17 Young Short Film Festival Berlin
3 - 10 November 2024

KUKI Programs for Children

KUKI 06 Environmental Program 8+

While the characters in this program share the same planet, they all experience it very differently. Some deal with the consequences of environmental pollution and water scarcity. Others prove how peacefully humans and animals can coexist, or how annoying a neighbourhood full of cars can be. And at the end, a robot alien gifts us with a love song dedicated to the beautiful nature of Earth.

TOPICS: Housing estate, wildlife, birds, human impacts on the environment, shellfish, habitats, water, drought, resourcefulness, resilience, cars (polution, noise, danger), urban planning, quality of life, research, curiosity, friendship, adventure, life on earth

SUBJECTS: German, Ethics, Social Studies, Art, General Studies

05.11.24, 10:00h, Zeiss-Großplanetarium Kino

10.11.24, 11:30h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 2

Umweltprogramm ab 8
6 films