KUKI .17 Young Short Film Festival Berlin
3 - 10 November 2024

TeenScreen Programs for teenagers

TS 02 TeenScreen 14+

Who says teenagers don’t care? These beautifully crafted short fictions and animations that celebrate healing, empathy and solidarity were selected by our young curators during the 14+ Teenscreen workshop last summer holidays. From the breaking of traumatic cycles to the power of community, on film, in felt, neon-coloured, in oil paint and with powerful external and internal emotions, this program is as thoughtful as it is visually breathtaking.

TOPICS: Siblings, family, domestic abuse, cycle of violence, poverty, insight, healing, solidarity, activism, nonbinary and transgender rights, peergroup pressure, friendship, identity, coming of age, sexuality, WWII, antisemitism, the Holocaust, Olympics, swimming, loss, mourning, solidarity, resilience, teaching, circle of life, pets, sorrow, community, therapy, acceptance.

SUBJECTS: German, Ethics, Social Studies, Art, General Studies

06.11.24, 10:00h, City Kino Wedding

07.11.24, 10:00h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 2

09.11.24, 15:00h, Filmtheater am Friedrichshain Kino 2

TeenScreen ab 14
7 films