Fließende Grenze
Fluid Border
1980, the German-German borderlands: Right through the middle of a lake runs a precisely defined "fluid border" between East- and West Germany. One night a storm shifts one of the buoys which form the borderline. While the border guards from East and West are trying to restore the border, two land surveyors throw their prejudices overboard and tear down their boundaries.
#everyday life #Work #Law #Bureaucracy #Homeland #Water #East Germany #Border #Prejudice
Festivals & Awards:
53. Internationale Hofer Filmtage, Germany 2019
Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Germany 2020
Achtung Berlin Filmfestival, Germany 2020
26th International Short Film Week Regensburg, Germany 2020
Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Germany 2020
Interfilm Berlin 36th International Short Film Festival, Germany 2020 - 1.Prize German Competition, Audience Award